Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Printing on Bandanas

Craft stores have been stocking up on these bandanas in smashing colors. They are only a dollar and are perfect for using with kids. I bought a tube of white fabric paint and turned a sponge into an "ink pad". I picked up a potato masher at a dollar store, the doughnut shape is the end of a large mailing tube, and the lego is actually a box meant to be a party favor. Warning: the fabric paint is very difficult to scrub off of little fingers. The children can think about creating a pattern or they can just randomly print their designs. I covered our work table with a thick layer of newspaper since a surface that has a little give to it works best. If you don't have newspaper, you could use an old sheet.


  1. Vicki, what craft stores sell these? I am always looking for solid color cotton scarves.
